Make Your Website Sell with Video

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ome of the most popular websites on the internet today are social media websites like Twitter and Facebook and the video sharing websites like YouTube and Vimeo.  Google did a smart thing when they bought YouTube, knowing it was the wave of the future.  Statistics show that when a website has video liked with YouTube it ranks better (at least with the Google search engine.)  The truth is, video helps websites regardless, as people are busy and if they have the option to choose to read a website or click on a video to watch and hear they will choose the video in most cases.

Websites that offer services or products to sell do better if they have videos included in their website content.  There are many ways to use video on a website successfully.  One such way is to create introductions to your products or services.  Yes, it means you need to plant yourself in front of a camera, or hire someone to do it.  A quick introduction video makes it seem more personal.  People like to do business with people they feel like they know, and there is no better way to do this than to introduce yourself and your business on a video.

Videos work well if you can offer seminars or tutorials, depending on the subject matter of your website.  Tutorial videos are very popular, and if you optimize them with the right keywords and do a good job, they rank well in the search engines.  People will find you faster, especially if they are looking for a tutorial on something.  Another way of approaching this is to do an intro video on a tutorial, then sell the remainder in a downloadable video.  On the other hand, sell a membership with access to your video tutorials.

Videos that exist to entertain help to draw in traffic too.  Depending on your site’s niche, you may consider using videos to entertain.  Entertaining videos are also good means of making the website go viral as others share the video.  If you put the video on YouTube, you can link it back to your website and receive traffic from YouTube (or Vimeo) as well.  Make it easy to share your videos on the social media websites and reach a broader audience too.  Videos do not have to be professionally made either, because YouTube is full of videos that are made by amateurs and are popular in spite of this.

Another avenue of videos on the website is to video your customers and clients testimonies.  You do not have to personally know them, but you can invite them to make a quickly 1 to 2 minute testimony of your business if they are satisfied and put it up on your site.  Because they will be proud of having a video of them on the website, they will also share the url with their family and friends and you have created a means of free advertisement for your business.

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